We actively support the building of human networks that are essential to our business.
Nowadays, network creation using SNS such as facebook, LINE, Instagram, etc. has become widespread both publicly and privately.
On the other hand, in business, there may be cases where you want to get to know a reliable business partner in a timely manner, such as a big business opportunity or new business development.
In some cases, you may want to broaden your horizons for a career outlook and build a substantial network of contacts with people from different backgrounds.
Coaching Career, Inc. supports the creation of useful networks in the form of business matching and introduction of people according to client needs. By connecting companies to companies and people to companies, we aim to develop together.
* Registration procedure is required if you wish. Contact Us
Coaching Career Co., Ltd. plans and implements not only business matching and introduction of people, but also exchange meetings and small study sessions at casual seats in the form of EXECUTIVE SALON.
It is meaningful to have a meeting or online meeting among the members of EXECUTIVE SALON to deepen their friendship. However, religion, sales, scouts, and other solicitation purposes are not accepted. In addition, you are responsible for any troubles between members.
Business matching
We connect people who are involved in interpersonal support such as corporate management, professionals, management, organizational personnel, careers, coaching, counseling, and therapy with companies and people who need them.
Exchange meeting
Unlike general cross-industry exchange meetings, we group members who meet their needs to some extent and support the creation of useful personal connections.
Small study session
We plan and implement thematic workshops and lectures related to interpersonal support such as corporate management, management, organizational personnel, careers, coaching, counseling, and therapy.
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