Coaching Career, Inc.


Representative Director & Executive Coach  

Kazumi Shikata

Graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University Faculty of Commerce (1998) / National Qualified Career Consulting Technician / Executive Coach Association Certified Business Coach / NLP Master Practitioner / PHP Institute Certified Business Coach

 Main career / achievements 


Engaged as a career consultant at an adult education / human resources comprehensive service company (listed). After engaging in middle-class headhunting from executives at a major domestic executive search firm, I also serves as a partner in business division management and public relations office manager at the company. After working as a director and general manager of the personnel department of a major domestic e-learning company, I established an organizational personnel consulting company within the group and became president. Engaged in a wide range of solutions from client personnel strategies to various measures (executive recruitment, human resource development, organizational diagnosis survey using e-learning platform, company-wide training, rank-based thematic training, coaching, career development). Established Coaching Career, Inc. and  became the representative director. Mainly engaged in personnel advisory and executive coaching for managers. Recent projects other than coaching include restructuring of corporate philosophy, support for in-house production of strategic human resources search, and support for corporate career development and organizational reform in accordance with work style reform related laws (vocational ability development promotion law and women's advancement promotion law). , Engaged in planning company-wide education using group training / e-learning

Facebook, Instagram, LinkdIn Account 

Hobbies & Skills

Calligraphy (master / quasi-doujin)

English, tennis, aquarium (tropical fish tank), pet dog, gardening, watching movies, etc.

Coaches with work experience and professional qualifications

Trust relationship

 First of all, in a coaching session, it is essential to build a relationship of trust between the client and the coach, and experienced coaches have this skill. However, human relationships are also compatible, so it is important to select a coach that meets the needs of the client in advance.


Systematic knowledge and experience

 Coaches with systematic knowledge and experience related to interpersonal support such as coaching and counseling, psychology including NLP, career development, and human resource development will be close to the client.

work experience

Coaches can support clients regardless of field or occupation if they have the ability to coach. However, it makes sense to have a coach with practical business experience in case the client seeks consulting or advisory in a particular area. It is possible to meet a wide range of client needs by assigning coaches who have practical experience in management-related positions including management in a wide range of industries, new businesses, sales, planning and development, technology development, and human resources.

Inquiries about our coaches

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